babble, noun, verb. Foolish talk.
babel, (Noise of) loud voices.
BABY, Infant. (e) Diminutive object.
bachelor, Unmarried man.
BACK, D. Rear. (s) Portion of anatomy. Backing material; go b.; be at the b. of a person.
backbone, Basic words.
background, What is at the back; view; circle (of friends).
Keep in the b., out of view, out of the public eye.
backward, adj., adv. Slow in development. Back.
backwoods, Basic words.
BAD, Opposite of good. (s) Naughty. A b. debt.
badge, Mark.
baffle, verb. Get the better of, (put) at a loss.
BAG, Sack, reticule.
baggage, Boxes (taken on a journey).
bail, noun, verb. (Prisoners) money (put up for good behaviour).
bait, s.,v. Worms (food) for hooking fish. Put something on hook; make sport (of animals).
bake, noun, verb. Cooking in oven.
BALANCE, D. Equilibrium. (e) Remainder.
balcony, Railed walk outside a windowe ; seats high up in theatre.
bald, adj. With no hair (on head).
bale, adj. Parcel of goods (done up in canvas).
BALL, Sphere. (s) Sphere for sport.
ball (Public) dance.
ballad, Simple song.
ballast, noun, verb. Material for keeping weighted.
ballet, International word.
balloon, Gas-bag.
ballot, noun, verb. Secret recording of opinion.
balmy, adj. Pleasing to the senses. A b. breeze, soft, warm wind.
ban, noun, verb. Put a stop to (books, plays).
banal, adj. Uninteresting; common.
BAND, D. Strip. (s) Ribbon. (e) Gang, league. The b. was playing ; in a b.
bandit, (Violent) outlaw.
bandylegged, adj. With legs bent out.
bang, noun, verb. Loud noise (gun, shutting door) ; hard blow.
bangle, Ornament (for arm or leg).
banish, verb. Send from the country; put (thoughts) out of mind.
banister, Hand—rail.
bank, International ; side of river; slope.
bankrupt, noun, adj., verb. Unable to make full payment of debts (at law).
banner, Flag.
banns, Statement in Church that persons are to be married.
banquet, noun, verb. Public meal.
bantam, Small (sort of) fowl.
banter, noun, verb. Make good—humoured sport of.
bar, noun, verb. International; rod; stop ; time division (music) ; the Law.
Put across (in the way). Prisoner at the b., before the judge.
barbarian, noun, adj. Person of no education, in a low stage of development.
barbed, adj. With a hooked point.
barber, Hair-cutter.
bare, adj. Undressed, with nothing on. B.foot, without shoes.
bargain, noun, verb. Something cheap, good value. Have argument over price.
barge, Flat boat (for goods).
baritone, noun, adj. Male voice of middle range.
bark, 1. noun, verb. Noise of dog. 2. Outside skin of tree.
barn, Out-house (of farm).
barometer, Weathenglass.
barracks, Army buildings.
barrel, (Round) beer (wine) vessel.
barren, adj. Unfertile. A b. attempt, attempt which comes to nothing.
barricade, noun, verb. Rough structure (against attack).
barrier, Rail, division.
barrister, Man of law (who takes the cause before judge).
barrow, Hand cart.
barter, noun, verb. Exchange of goods.
BASE, D. Foundation. (e) Operating centre. Basing opinions on.
base, adj. Low, bad (behaviour).
bashful, adj. Not putting oneself forward.
basic, adj. International (in Basic English); on which something is based.
BASIN, Shallow receptacle. (e) Broad depression.
basis, Base.
bask, verb. Take rest in the sun.
BASKET, Wicker container.
bass, noun, adj. Low (deep) part (in music).
bastard, noun, adj. Natural son, of unmarried mother.
baste, 1. verb. Put together with long stitches. 2. verb. Put fat over (cooking meat).
batch, Group (produced at one time).
BATH, D. Receptacle for ablutions. Have a b.
bathe, noun, verb. Take a bath ; go for a swim; washing (eye, wound).
batter, noun, verb. Liquid paste (used in cooking). Give hard blows;
make a violent attack on.
battered, Damaged.
battery, Apparatus for producing electric current.
battle, noun, verb. Fight. Go into b., to the attack.
baulk, noun, verb. Get in the way of.
bawdy, adj. Low, dirty (talk).
bawl, noun, verb. Loud cry.
bay, 1. Wide inlet of sea. 2. Curved-out window. 3. noun, verb. Cry of dog.
bazaar, Open market.
BE, D. Existence ; auxiliary of predication.
beach, noun, verb. Sea’s edge, the sands, by the sea. Put (boat) on the sand.
bead, noun, verb. Threaded ball.