International Second Language
Part Two : The Basic Words
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- a (an), adj., ei; un, une; em, eine.
- A man ; give the ball a kick ; the selection of a paint ; a bit of ; quite a good book ; he has £100 a year ; an apple ; an hour.
ABC , noun, Basic words. The letters ; the first steps.
- able (un-, -ly), adj., 'eibl; capable, intelligent; filhig.
- An able teacher ; an able book ; the work was ably done.
* (Able to make).
- about, prep., adv., a'baut; environ, autour de; urn, herum.
- (e) Roughly: on the question of ; a peu près: au sn jet de; fast, ungeföhr: über.
Trees about the house ; walking about the streets. There are about enough ; at about 4. A book about history ; be right about the facts. The servants are about ; looking about for a place.
The glass is about to be broken.
(How did this come about ?)
(Hanging about.)
- account, noun, a'kaunt, técit, cornpte rendu, explication; Bericht.
- (s) Money account; cornpte; Rechnung, Konto.
Give an account of. Have an account with ; keep accounts. ; put it on the account.
(Take into account.)
no account ; on account of ; goods on account.
- acid (-ly), adj, noun, '~sid; acide; sauer.
- Sharp in feeling.
The fruit has an acid taste. She gave him an acid look ; "Don't be foolish," he said acidly. It was burned by an acid.
- across, prep., a'kras; en travers de, sur; (quer) über.
- A bridge across the river ; go across the road ; put one stick across another.
(He came across some papers ; put an idea across by advertisement).
- act (-or,, -ed), noun, aekt; action ; Tat, Handiung.
- (e) Division of a play ; acte; Akt.
actor, acteur ; Schauspieler.
(s) Person acting in a theater;
Do a kind act ; he was in the act of taking the money ; acting as a brake. A good third act.. He is an actor.
*Acid acting on material.
- addition, noun, a~'di5an; addition, surcroit ; Zusatz.
- (e) Act of addition; action d'ajouter on d'additioner; Addition, Ergänzung.
- Make an addition to a building ; a good addition. The addition of water to milk ; do addition ; bad at addition.
* In addition to this.
- adjustment, noun, a'd3Astmant; réglage, mise au point, adaptation, réglement; Richtigstellung, Anpassung.
- Make an adjustment ; an adjustment of the amount ; by the adjustment of a screw.
- advertisement, noun, ad'vaitismant; annonce, afjiche, réclame; Anzeige, Reklame.
- (e) Public attention: act of advertisement; publicité: réclame; Reklame: Anlcundigung, Reklame.
Put an advertisement for a secretary in the paper ; the store has an advertisement for soap in the window. Do it for advertisement ; get good advertisement. Undertake the advertisement of goods.
- after, prep., conj., 'a:ft~; apses: apses que; nach: naclidem.
- Some time after an event ; go after a rat. I took it after he came.
After all,they were young ; looking after a store. A picture after Rembrandt.
aftereffect, noun, Basic words. An effect coming about after a time.
aftertaste , noun, Basic words. Taste experienced in mouth after takingfood or drink.
afterthought, noun, Basic words. A later thought.
- again, adv. a'gein; de nouveau, encore; wieder.
- He did the work again; then, again, he is old ; say it again and again.
- against, prep. a'geinst; contre; gegen.
- On opposite side to (in war, feeling, and so on).
Resting against the wall ; come up against a stone. Fighting against an army ; be against change ; have something against a person.
- agreement, noun, a'gri:mant; pacte, contrat; Vereinbarung, Vertrag.
- (e) Condition of agreement; accord; Undereinstimmung.
Make an agrement with ; keep (to) an agreement. Be in agreement with ; there is not much agreement between them. (Come to an agreement).
- air (-er, -ing, -ed), noun, c~; air; Lt4t.
- Behavior, look; Miene.
- in the air ; take in air ; birds in the air ; airing the room ; go out for an airing ; put on an air of interest ; foolish airs.
aircushion, noun, Basic words. Cushion full of air.
airman, noun, Basic words. Driver of airplane.
airplane, noun, Basic words. Winged machine for flight.
air-tight, adj. Basic words. Not letting air in
alcohol, 'ailbh3l. International word.
algebra, '~uld3ibr~. International name of science.
- all , adj., adv., pron. ~l; tout;
l (-er, -e, -es), ganz.
- All men are the same ; all the day ; at all times. All in black ; all covered with dust. All were happy ; all is quiet.
He is not at all interesting ; all day (night). (All right ; after all).
(For all that ; all the year round ; all the same).
- almost, adv. '~:lmoust; presque; fast, beinahe.
- ready ; almost there ; the boy is almost a man.
- aluminum, ~lju'minj~m. International word.
- am (are) . See be.
- ammonia, a'mounj~. International word.
- among, prep. a'mntJ; parmi, entre, unter, zwischen.
- Be among one's friends ; among one's books ; working among the poor ; among other things ; make a division among ; we have 5 cents. among us.
- amount, noun a'maunt; quantité, montant (d'une somme); Men ge, Betrag.
- a small amount of food ; gold in great amounts ; he made payment of the full amount.
- amusement, noun, a'mju:zment; amusement; Belustigung, Spasz.
- Pleased interest ; thing causing amusement: act of causing amusement; Unter- r haltung.
humor gives me no amusement ; a look of amusement. Get amusement out of watching trains. Sailing is a good amusement. Plays for the amusement of the public.
- and , conj., fend; at; und.
- He and I ; I came and he went ; it was round and fat ; and then he said ; I went and saw him.
*(And so on).
- angle, noun, 'mtjgl; angle; Winkel, Ecke.
- Angle of a room: point of view ; coin: angle, cdté; Winlcel, Eclce: Winkel.
- An angle formed by two lines meeting. Put the table in the far angle of the room. Looking at the picture from a different angle ; seeing the question from a different angle.
The boxes were at right angles (to one another).
- anger(-ly), noun, 'mi~gri; en colère, fdche; zornig, bose.
- feeling anger ; an angry face ; ; an angry man ; angry words ; an angry red ; make oneself angry about ; they were talking angrily.
(angry with a learner).
- animal, noun. 'animal; animal; Tier.
- All animals but man. Man is an animal. Be kind to animals.
- another, adj., pron. Basic words.
- A different or further (one). (They saw one another.).
- answer (-er, -ing, -ed), noun, 'a:nm; réponse; Anttvort.
- Give an answer to a question ; answering a letter (bell) ; answering for a friend.
(answer to a question).
Answering to an account.
- ant , noun. ant; fourmi; Ameise.
There is an ant in the food.
- any , adj., pron., adv. 'eni; aucun (-a), n'impotte lequel; irgendein (-e), irgendwelche (-r, -a).
- I haven't any friends ; have you any wool? ; come at any time. I haven't any of that ; take any of them. He is not any wiser.
(at any rate).
anybody, pron. Basic words. Any person.
anyhow , adv., Basic words. 1. Whatever takes place. 2. In any way.
anyone , pron. Basic words. Any person.
anything, pron. Basic words. Any thing.
anywhere, adv. Basic words. In (at, to) any place.
- apparatus (apparatuses), noun. ap~'reibs; appareil ; Apparat.
- Put up an apparatus. ; different apparatuses ; an apparatus of tax-control.
- apple, noun. 'api; pomme ; Apfel.
- The apples are still green.
- approval, noun, ~'pru~val; approbation ; Billigung, Beif all.
- approval to ; say with approval ; have a feeling of approval ;
* Get goods on approval.
- arch (arches, -er, -ing, -ed), noun. aDtJ; arc, arche ; Bogen.
- Arch like form.
- archer, (e) One using as an instrument of war with a curved bit of wood or other elastic material with a cord stretched between the ends
archer ; Bogenschiitze.
- arch of a bridge ; the church has pointed arches. A foot with a good arch ; the cat is arching its back. The bird was wounded by an archer.
- argument, noun, 'a:gjurront; argumentation ; Auseinandersetzung, Wart wechsel.
- Line of reasoning ; argument, raisonnement ; Argument.
an argument with somebody. A good argument for putting an end to war ; his argument was.
arithmetic, noun a'riOm~tik. International name of science.
- arm (-er, -ing, -ed), noun, a:m; bras; Arm.
- Long structure like an arm.
- Working-men get strong arms ; with open arms. The arm of a machine ;
the arm of a coat. The nation has no arms ; arming for war.
** A baby in arms ; nations in arms. (They went arm in arm ; the men took up arms).
- army (armies), noun, a:mi; armée; Hear.
- armies = Instruments of war ; armes ; Waif en.
- A number of persons ; multitude.
- The boy is going into the army ; the army has a new chief ; armies were smaller then. An army of boys went to the house.
- art , noun, a:t; art; Kunst.
- (e) Way of doing.
A work of art ; he puts his art first ; a museum of bad art. Art came before Science. The art of cooking ; I am learning the art of seeming interested.
- as , adv., conj., pron., az; aussi (. . . qua), comma ; (so as) wie1i ala.
- As hard as iron ; he came as slowly as before. As far as I see ; look on as wrong ; as an example ; please be so good as to come ; as we go higher the air gets colder. Such things as drink.
It seems as if ; as to (for) that. (So as to get it right ; he has horses as well as cows).
** As a man ; as you are here.
asbestos *, az'besbs. International word.
- at , prep., at; a, chez ; an, urn, bei, in, zu.
- At a point ; at Tokyo ; at the top ; at 4; at his request ; at what price.
1. The men are at war (peace, work, play, rest).
2. They were happy at first (last).
3. They were at a great distance from their country.
4. They did not go to bed at night.
5. At times they were covered with small insects.
6. There was some surprise at their desire to get back.
7. There were at least (most) 1,000 persons at the station.
8. They had the interests of their country at heart.
9. There were bad at (good at, quick at, slow at, expert at, working at) languages.
10. They are looking at (pointing at, laughing at, firing at, and so on) the camera-men.
(Not at all interesting ; be at a loss ; knowledge at first (second) hand ; days at school ; at present ; at any rate ; at right angles to).
** at a run ; at a profit (loss).
(Have a go at ; at all events ; three at a time ; get at details ; at table ; at sea ; at pleasure ; make eyes at.)
- attack, (-er, -ing, -ed), noun, ~'tak; attaque ; Angriif, Anf all.
- An attack against his views ; the army made a sudden attack ; a new line of attack ; attacked by a disease ; attacking a question.
* An attack on a man.
- attempt (-er, -lag, -ed), noun, ~'tempt; essai, tentative ; Versuch.
- an attempt to get the news ; wounded in the attempt; attempting to do.
- attention, noun, ~'ten5an; attention; Aufrnerksainkeit, Achtung.
- Care, looking after; soin(s); Pfiege, Behandlung.
attention to ; keep one's attention on ; great powers of attention. The baby gets no attention.
- attraction, noun, ~'trakfan; attraction ; Anziehung[skraft].
- Pleasing quality (thing) ; condition of (undergoing) attraction ; attraction, attrait: attraction; Reiz, Attraktion: Anziehung.
- The attraction of the earth for bodies. She has no attraction off the stage ; have an attraction for ; the attraction of the idea ; coming attraction. The attraction of the sea by the moon ; their attraction to one another.
- authority, noun, ~:'63riti; autorité, autorisation ; Autoritiit, VoUmacht, Ansehen.
- Person or body in authority ; person with special knowledge ; autorité: autorité ; BehOrde: Autorität.
- have authority over the army ; what authority have you? ; be in authority ; be under the
authority of the chief. Go to a higher authority ; come before the authorities. An authority on the Great War.
(on good authority).
- autobus, noun, '3:toubAs. International word. bus
- automatic (un-, -ally), adj., ~:b'matik; automatique; automatisch.
- Get chocolate from an automatic machine ; his behavior was automatic ; an automatic reaction ; he got up automatically.
- automobile, noun, '3:tomobi:l. International word.
- awake, a., ~'weik ; éveillé ; wach.
- The baby is awake very early ; I came awake suddenly.
** (Wide awake.)
- baby (babies), noun, 'beibi ; bdbé ; Baby.
- He was ill when he was a baby ; the woman had two babies with her ;
the baby cat ; my baby brother.
** (baby in arms).
- baby-carriage, noun, Basic words. Push-carriage for a baby.
- back, (-er, -ing, -ed), noun, adv., adj. bæk, derrière, arrièdre ; Rückseite: zurück: hinter.
- Back of man's body or like part of other things ; dos; Rücken.
- Top of animal's body.
back of the house ; the back of the book ; at the back of the station ;
a picture backed with linen ; backing an automobile. A pain in the back. The monkey was on the dog's back. Come back. ; get money back ; a year back. The back door.
* (Give back a sound).
- backbone , noun, Basic words. Bone down the back of man or animal.
- back-cloth, noun, Basic words. Painted cloth at back of stage.
- background, adv., Basic words. At (to) some distance ; out of view.
- backside , noun, Basic words. Back end of person's body.
- backwater, noun, Basic words. Quiet water near a river.
- backwoods, noun, Basic words. Out-of-the-way place.
- bad, (worse, worst, -ly), adj., bad ; mauvais ; schlecht ; schlimm.
- Bad in behavior ; méchant ; höse.
- No longer good for food ; gâté; verdorben.
- a bad day ; bad weather ; have a bad time ; a bad idea ; a bad bit of wood ; a bad book ; a bad friend ; be badly wounded. A bad boy. The milk will be bad tomorrow.
* The worse for drink.( Bad at languages ; he did badly).
- bag, n. Beutel, Tasche, Sack.
A bag full of wool; a paper bag; a porter took my bags.
- bagpipes, s. Basic words. Music pipe with bag for wind.
- balance (—er, -ing, -ed), n. équilibre; Gleichgewicht.
Keep one’s balance; a balance of forces; balancing on a wire; have a well-balanced mind.
*(Be off one’s balance).
- ball, n. boule; Kagel.
(s) Playing-ball; balle; Ball.
A silver ball.; make butter into balls.. The little girl has a ball.
- ballet *, International word.
- band (-er, —ing, -ed), n. bande; Band.
(e) Group: music—playing group; orchestre; Schar, Rotte: [Musik-] Kapelle.
Put a rubber band round; fixed by a band. of iron; a band of red; banded with red.
A band of young men; banding together against the police. Playing in the band.
- bang, n. Onomatopoeic. Noise made by burst.
- bank, International word.
** (A check on the bank.).
- bar, International word.
- base (-er, -ing, —ed), n. base, fondement; Grand (lage).
(e) Base of military operations; base; Basis.
The base of a building; basing opinions on facts.
The wounded are sent back to the hospital at the base.
- baseball, n. Basic words. An American sport in which a ball is used;
ball used in baseball.
- basin, n. bol, caoette; Schussel.
(e) Wide hollow; bassin; Becken.
Food in a basin. A river basin.
- basket, n. panier; Korb.
Eggs in a basket.; a basket of flowers.
- basket-work, n. Basic words. Material made like a basket.
- bath (-er, —ing, -ed), n. baignoire, bain; Bad.
(e) Wash in a bath; acte de (se) baigner, bain.
Put water in a bath. Have a bath.; give the baby a bath.; bathing the baby.
- bathroom, n. Basic words. Special room with (generally fixed) bath.
be (am, are, is, was, were, being, been), v., aux. v. big; étre; sein.
(e) Have existence, take place.
been (e) Gone (or come) to and away from a place.
-ing, (e) Living thing; étre; Wesen.
She is a cook; he is good; it is wise to do nothing; they are talking;
I will be there. I am; such things have been and will be. again;
there is no answer to that question. Have you ever been to
Paris? A strange being.
( * That is to say; let (a person, thing) be).
beautiful (un-, -ly), a. beau; schon.
A beautiful woman; a beautiful day; a beautiful picture; the theory is beautifully
because, conj. bi’koz; parce que; weil.
He was angry because she was late.
* (Best because of its rules).
become, v. Basic words. Come to be.
bed (-der, -ding, -ded), n. bed; lit; Bett.
(e) Stretch of material, specially under, forming base of, something:
flower-bed; lit, couche: plate-bancle; [Fluss-]Bett, Unterbau,
Lager: Beet.
-ding, (e) Bedding-covers: literie; Bettzeug.
Put the covers on the bed; go to bed; be in bed. The bed of the river is deep; the discovery of a new coal bed. Put flowers in the beds.; bedding
out plants. Soft bedding.
bedroom, n. Basic words. Special room with bed(s) for sleeping in.
bee, n. biz; abeille; Biene.
There is a bee on the flower.
beef, bixf. International word.
beer, n. bia*. International word.
beeswax, n. Basic words. The wax made by bees.
before, prep., conj., adv. bi’fo;*`*; avant, deoant; vor: bevor, ehe: oorher.
Come before tea; the word before “have” is not clear; go before a judge; the work before us; work comes before play; death before prison! Have a meal before you go. He did it once befoe.
** (Before long).
behavior, n. bi’heivja*; conduite, comportement; Benehmen, Verhalten.
His behavior is good; rough in behavior; the behavior of a chemical; the behavior of nations.
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- X-ray, noun Basic words. Röntgen ray.
- year, noun ; an (nee); Jahr.
- The work will take a year ; in the year of my birth ; I was there for some years ;
a man of 50 (years) ; (I am 20 years old)
(All the year round).
- year-book, n. Basic words. Book of facts put out every year.
- yellow, adj., noun 'jelou; fatrne ; gelb.
- Butter is yellow. The yellow on the walls is not dark enough.
- yes , int. jes; oui; ja.
- Yes, I will come ; she will say yes.
- yesterday, adv., noun 'jestadi; hier; gestern.
- He went yesterday. Yesterday is gone ; the day before yesterday.
- you (your, yours), pron. ju; tu, vous ; du, Sic, ihr.
- (e) Any person ; on ; man.
You are a young man ; you are foolish ; it was you whom I saw ;
this is your pen ; the other one is not yours. If you go north you come to Iceland.
- young, adj., jAij; jeune ; Jung.
- Young family, offspring (of animal) ; petits ; die jungen.
A young tree is bent by the wind ; keep young by working hard. The young have more need of sleep than the old. The bird is getting food for her young.
These animals are with young they make a bed of leaves and grass for the coming family.
yourself, pron. Basic words. You (not any other person).
- zebra, 'zi:bra. International word.
- zink , ziijk. International word. zinc
- zoology, zou'3ad3i. International name of science.
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